How to Tap into Your Creative Potential and 5 Exercises to Boost Creativity
Creativity is defined as the ability to produce valuable and original concepts, solutions, and expressions. Creative thinking involves connecting unrelated concepts, thinking divergently, and approaching challenges with an open and flexible mindset. It encompasses a wide range of domains, including problem-solving, innovation, and everyday thinking- it is not limited to artistic endeavors. To be creative is to go beyond the conventional understanding of artistic expression, which involves thinking outside the box.

While some individuals may possess a natural artistry towards creativity, it is important to note that being creative is NOT a natural-born skill. Everyone has the capacity to be creative, and it is a skill that can be developed and cultivated through practicing, embracing curiosity, being exposed to diverse practices, and being willing to explore new perspectives. Like any other skill, creativity can be refined and honed as we continue to engage with our creative abilities, which can help us tap into our creative potential.
Creativity is a dynamic and evolving process that deals with cognitive, emotional, and environmental factors. To reach our potential, nurture a growth mindset that encourages positive reinforcement, open-mindedness, resilience, and collaboration. As a young kid, I prided myself on being creative. My friends and family told me this, but I also believed it in myself because of how my mind worked. I was known to be artistic, pretty wild, and the one who would think of “crazy” things and apply them to their work. I liked being known as creative because it made me different from the rest of my sisters, and it made me feel special to have this skill. However, as I grew up, I felt my creative potential dwindle. It became more challenging for me to engage in school discussions as I began to fear that my answers were never good enough. I also had tremendous writer’s block, making it challenging to work on any essays or creative writing projects.
Even to this day, I still face days where it becomes hard for me to be creative, but I continue to work on my creativity with every homework, task, or job. I understand that to be creative is to continuously learn by actively seeking new knowledge and experiences. I also knew that to bring back my potential, I had to put less pressure on myself and enjoy the process rather than focus on the end results.
Creativity is known as a journey, not a destination. The more we engage and invest in our abilities, the more we can excel and continuously push the boundaries of our creative potential.
Here are some exercises to help inspire and nurture creativity within yourself:

1. Journaling
Journaling is great for readers and inspiring writers. Participate in everyday journaling to capture thoughts, ideas, and observations about everything. Allow yourself to write without any judgment and editing to promote free expression. Putting your thoughts and feelings together on paper will help clarify and articulate your ideas and foster a deeper understanding of your own perspectives. Journaling gives you the utmost power to freely explore unconventional or abstract thoughts while unburdening your mind from any constraints.
2. Reverse Thinking
Reverse thinking, or just thinking backward, is an approach to creative thinking that involves starting with the end goal and working backward to identify the steps, causes, consequences, and alternatives. Try to challenge assumptions by considering the opposite perspective. Ask yourself, “How would you solve a problem if the usual solutions were unavailable?”. This technique can help in unconventional situations and foster innovative ideas.

3. Practice Mindfulness
Mindfulness is to be fully present and aware of your internal states and surroundings. To practice mindfulness is not to eliminate thoughts but to observe them with a non-judgmental awareness. Practice mindfulness to clear the mind and create space for new ideas. Incorporating mindfulness into your daily routines, whether meditation, deep breathing exercises, or other mindful activities, can create a foundation for a creative and innovative mindset.
4. Collaborate with others
This is a practice that will help you step out of your zone. Diversify your experiences with others through exchanges of ideas and perspectives. Peer feedback offers valuable insights and can help improve and refine your creativity. This can help create creative, unique, and innovative solutions.
5. Embrace uncertainty and challenges
Embrace every challenge as an opportunity for growth rather than obstacles, and view failures as learning experiences. It is important to understand that improvement and development are ongoing processes linked to your creative potential. This will help develop a growth mindset. Creativity is often about trying new things, and while not every action or idea we take will succeed, we should never let that stop us.